Faulty computer systems lead to multiple charges … against the wrong parties

There has been a recent increase in the number of charges against nurses for allegedly diverting controlled substances.  The charges center on a couple of different hospitals in Washington State.  The commonality: they all implemented new software systems for writing orders, dispensing medication, and or charting notes.  They also experienced well-documented problems with that new software, leading to failures to document medication orders, dispensing, and orders in general.The logical conclusion is to look to the hospital to correct the problems and bear the blame. Needless to say, that is not the position the hospital took. It fired the workers and turned them into the Department of Health.  In other words, the hospital protected itself and threw its employees under the bus. And the DOH has gone right along.Don’t be caught out. Talk to an experienced attorney before you ever talk to the Department.  They are not on your side.


Rogue of the week 4.2.14


Rouge of the week