Departments just don’t care

In America we like to think that the justice system is intent on finding the truth.  Of course, there are problems with it, but that is the aim.  In particular, prosecutors are supposed to be charged with finding that truth.  Prosecution is not just normal adversarial litigation. It involves the state authority, and with that, special responsibilities.  It is the same with department enforcement actions.  However, regulatory agencies often simply don’t care whether you are guilty or innocent.  If they can sustain a charge they will do so, even if the reason that they can is that you don’t have the resources to fight it.  Innocence just isn’t a factor. If you face charges by your licensing body, don’t think that the truth will win out and that you can just explain things to them and be fine.  That is not how it works. They are often just looking for a “conviction” and will hang you out to dry if they can. Consult with an experienced licensure defense attorney from the start. It might just save your license and ability to practice your profession.


Judge determines that DFI had no authority to regulate residential home loan modifications prior to July 2010


Criminal charges may lead to the loss of you license