Your Credit Report – Your Free Tool in Defending Against Debt Collectors

In the field of creditors vs. debtors, creditors have the upper hand when it comes to getting information about you and using it to collect against you for your debts. Creditors are big companies that have at their fingertips account representatives to call you and trick you into giving up confidential information, investigators to try and discover where you bank and work, and attorneys to write letters demanding payment and to file lawsuits. On the other hand, the average individual debtor has limited resources.Individual debtors do have one very important tool: the credit report! Everyone should know about – the 100% free source authorized by federal law for you to get your true credit reports from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. These reports show details about the debts being reported to the credit bureaus including the name of who is collecting on the account, the name of the original creditor, and the amount due for the debt. Knowing this information before speaking with a debt collector is an important first step in preparing a settlement.If you have been contacted by a debt collector about a debt, especially one that you are unfamiliar with, do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at the Rosenberg Law Group! We will be happy to review your credit report with you and consult about your options to settle or defend against the alleged debt.


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