When must a healthcare professional self-report to the Department of Health?

The Department of Health requires that healthcare practitioners who commit unprofessional conduct or who are unable to practice safely self- report to the Department.  The mandatory reporting rules are found in WAC 246-16. The mandatory reporting rules are intended to address patient safety and require self-reporting of any conviction which includes a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. You must also report a determination or finding if you have committed unprofessional conduct; or if you are unable to practice safely due to a mental or physical condition. This includes having a court declare you incompetent or mentally ill; or not successfully managing a mental of physical condition that poses a risk to patient safety.  Finally, you must report any or is disqualification from participation in the federal Medicare or Medicaid program.If you have questions about whether you must file a report, you should speak with a knowledgeable practitioner you can help you understand and navigate the process within the Department of Health.


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