Wage Garnishment: Stop Wage Garnishment with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Stop Wage Garnishment with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a process provided for under United States federal bankruptcy law by which you are entitled to a fresh start.  Chapter 7 bankruptcy may eliminate most kinds of unsecured debt.

Examples of unsecured debts Chapter 7 may eliminate are:

1.  Credit cards2.  Medical bills3.  Most personal loans4.  Judgments resulting from car accidents5.  Deficiencies on repossessed vehicles

For your convenience, you may complete our Bankruptcy Intake Form.  This will allow our attorneys to help you move towards fresh start today.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy:  A Fresh Start

In addition to getting rid of your debt, Chapter 7 allows you to typically keep all of your property. As long as your car and mortgage payments are current, and there is no significant equity in your property, we should have no problem making the arrangements for you to reaffirm the debt. Keep your home, keep your car, keep your personal belongings, but eliminate your debt; that is our goal with Chapter 7. Smith & Rosenberg may be able to use Chapter 7 to provide you with many benefits. Read about those benefits below and about other subjects related to Chapter 7 and other forms of bankruptcy.First, read the below alert that contains important information that you need to know!

1.  Stop Creditor Harassment2.  Eliminate Repossession Debts3.  Stop Wage Garnishments4.  End Lawsuits-stop license suspensions5.  Lower Your Car Payment6.  Rebuild Your Credit7.  Keep Your House, Car and Personal Belongings8.  Low Fees

For your convenience, you may complete our Bankruptcy Intake Form.  This will allow our attorneys to help you move towards fresh start today.

Stop Creditor Harassment

If creditors are bothering you at work, harassing your family, friends and neighbors, or calling at all hours, you can put an end to it immediately simply by hiring Smith & Rosenberg to represent you. Upon retaining our services, we provide you with a special telephone number so that you can refer your creditors to us. We will keep the creditors off your back, and you can stop paying your creditors immediately.

Eliminate Repossession Debts

After a vehicle finance company repossesses your car they auction it to reduce their loss. You are still responsible for the balance on the car, called a ‘deficiency balance’. Smith & Rosenberg can eliminate your liability for the entire deficiency balance. Remove the risk of lawsuits and garnishments by filing a Chapter 7.

Stop Wage Garnishments With Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is one of the most effective ways to immediately stop wage garnishments. Garnishments can diminish your hard-earned income making it nearly impossible for you to afford basic necessities. By filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy and stopping the garnishment, you will be able to use your income for more important necessities in life and start saving for your family’s future.

End Lawsuit

If you are being sued, and you own a home, we strongly urge you to speak with us immediately about filing bankruptcy. Chapter 7 or another form of bankruptcy will stop a lawsuit immediately and prevent your creditors from placing a lien on your home or garnishing your hard-earned wages.

Lower Your Car Payment

Our Seattle bankruptcy attorneys at Rosenberg Law Group, PLLC offer two courses of action to lower your car payment. First Rosenberg Law Group, PLLC might be able use a Chapter 7 reaffirmation to lower your payment. Many people are forced into bankruptcy because a loan company has over-financed a vehicle. A high car payment can make it impossible for you to afford to pay even your month to month expenses. Using the Chapter 7 reaffirmation process, Rosenberg Law Group can negotiate with a creditor to accept a payoff on your vehicle for only the value of the vehicle. We will even attempt to arrange for you to obtain new financing for the Chapter 7 reaffirmation on your vehicle.For instance, if you owe $25,000 on a vehicle that is only worth $10,000, with Chapter 7, we will see if the existing finance company will accept a reaffirmation of $10,000 as a payoff on the vehicle and arrange the financing for you on the $10,000 balance. Many attorneys do not offer this valuable service. Rosenberg Law Group can reduce your vehicle payment, save you thousands of dollars on the vehicle and eliminate your other debts along the way. This is just another way that the bankruptcy attorneys at Rosenberg Law Group use the most aggressive means possible to improve your financial situation and work to get you the fresh start you need.

Bankruptcy:  Alternative Options

Instead of Chapter 7, our attorneys can also use Chapter 13 to reduce your car payment and consolidate other debts that you cannot afford to pay.

Rebuild Your Credit

One of the most common concerns that we hear from clients has to do with the stigma related to bankruptcy. A basic characteristic of human nature is that people are afraid of things with which they are not familiar. Do not count out Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy as an option until you have taken a short time to get educated on the subject. The stigma against debtors has greatly diminished over the last 20 years, and there is no indication that debtors will be treated less favorably in the future.In fact, the ability to reestablish your credit after Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy is better than it has ever been before. Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy can remain on your credit report for up to 10 years, but you can start reestablishing your credit immediately.First, credit is your ability to borrow money. Many lenders determine whether or not to lend you money by examining your debt to income ratio; how much outstanding debt you have compared to your income. Remember that the reason that your credit is poor right now is because you have so much outstanding debt. Ask yourself, who would you rather loan money to; the person who has $20,000 in credit cards and could file Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy at any time, or the person who has already filed Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, has no remaining debt, and could not file another Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy for another eight years.Many of our clients are able to purchase a vehicle on financing the day they receive their bankruptcy discharge. Often times you will pay a higher rate than a person with unblemished credit, but ask yourself how low of an interest rate would you be able to get in your present situation. You could be able to finance a home within two years after receiving a bankruptcy discharge, as long as you can provide a minimum down payment and show the ability to make the monthly mortgage payment. Many consumer debtors receive credit card solicitations within months of receiving a bankruptcy discharge.

Once you are a Rosenberg Law Group client, you are a client for life.

We will not abandon our clients once they have received their discharge from the court. This is part of our commitment to you to provide quality legal representation for a fair fee.We caution you against rumors of the Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy stigma that you may hear from friends or family, who may not possess the knowledge of bankruptcy law necessary to give legal advice.  They may have your best interests in mind, but a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.  Speak with our attorneys to make sure what you know the facts.

Keep Your House, Car and Personal Belongings- Reaffirming

Mortgage lenders and automobile finance companies are usually more than happy to keep accepting your current monthly payments both before and after a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This is called reaffirming your debt. They are in the finance business to make money, not to repossess your property. When the finance company reaffirms the debt, they have the comfort of knowing that you have no other outstanding debts, you cannot file Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy for another eight years, and they can continue to collect the principal plus interest under the original loan agreements. Our attorneys will make all of the arrangements for you to reaffirm your debts on your home, car or other household goods that you are financing. Many credit card companies are also willing to reaffirm your debt with them.

Low Fees

Once you have found an experienced bankruptcy attorney with whom you are comfortable, be sure his or her fee is fair. Rosenberg Law Group, PLLC,  provides you with very fair fees and gives you the client, a choice of several different payment plans to fit your individual needs. If you need your case filed quickly due to a garnishment, foreclosure or threat of repossession we may be able to file your case almost immediately and offer you a payment plan tailored to your situation.We offer a very low flat fee.  Our bankruptcy attorneys will provide you with a range of fair fees right over the phone. We guarantee not to exceed the fee range you are quoted. And remember there are no hidden attorneys fees in that price.

We offer a free consultation with our Bankruptcy attorneys.

If you have questions or would like to learn more , please visit our chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney services section.  Our attorneys are waiting to assist you.


Consumer Rights – Debt Settlement & Loan Modification Ripoffs
