Today, the Washington State Supreme Court held that businesses owe a duty under Washington law to accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees. The case, Kumar vs. Gate Gourmet, was brought by four employees of Gate Gourmet. That company is an international company with a location here at SeaTac Airport. Gate Gourmet did not allow the employees to bring food to work. Instead, the employer promised all of its workers a “well-balanced and wholesome” meal. James Kumar he said his peers could not eat some of those meals because of their religious beliefs.James Kumar and three of his co-workers sued in King County Superior Court. The case was dismissed and appealed directly to the state’s highest court. Federal law already requires many employers to reasonably accommodate religion. This suit was under state law. The Court heard argument in October 2013 and issued a decision today holding that state law also requires employers to reasonably accommodate the sincerely-held religious beliefs of their employees.Seth Rosenberg, one of the attorneys for the employees comments, “While the impact of this decision has yet to be felt, it is clear that the decision paves the way for a new era in religious tolerance in Washington’s workplaces.” Aaron Rocke, the other attorney for the employees, states, “This decision is good for employees and for employers, because it encourages a respectful and productive dialogue about our religious differences,” and that “Washington employees should not have to choose between their jobs and their consciences if there is a reasonable way to accommodate their religion.” Now, the case will be sent back to King County Superior Court and proceed towards trial.


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