Protections Against Retaliation After Leave
When you return to work after taking leave permitted by federal or state law, you have certain legal protections against retaliation. Retaliation can occur in many subtle or overt ways, including scenarios where your employer sets unrealistic or impossible performance goals as soon as you are back. For example, if an employer deliberately assigns targets that no employee could reasonably meet—knowing that your recent absence may have affected your ability to hit those goals—it can be considered retaliation for exercising your right to protected leave.
These protections recognize that employees who have taken legally authorized leave should not face punishment, heightened scrutiny, or deliberately manufactured conditions designed to push them out of their jobs. If you find yourself in a situation where your employer has suddenly imposed unattainable objectives that are clearly designed to set you up for failure following your leave, you may have a claim for retaliation. Under these circumstances, seeking guidance from an experienced employment attorney, local government agencies, or trusted workplace advocacy organizations may help protect your rights and ensure a fair working environment.