Just because you aren't licensed doesn't mean that they won't try to regulate you

Recently the Board of Accountancy attempted to regulate the activities of an accountant who had taken leave from her profession during a five year period. During that time when she had let her license lapse, she was not acting as an accountant. She was running an unrelated small business. Her former business partner turned her into the Board when they got in a dispute about the business, now defunct. The accountant had returned to work as a CPA and was now regulated.The facts that the accountant was neither licensed nor acting as an accountant at the time did not stop the Board of Accountancy from trying to regulate her. They advanced several theories in order to assert authority over her. However, at the end of the day the Board had to admit that they just couldn’t regulate people who were neither practicing the profession that they were charged with overseeing or licensed through them.Needless to say, the Board of Accountancy did not take its lack of authority gracefully. They turned the matter over to the Attorney General’s office. Luckily, the AG’s office can’t find a basis to investigate someone over a matter that occurred seven years ago.When big brother comes knocking, do not think you can just explain yourself or resolve it on your own. Retain the services of an experienced attorney, such as those at the Rosenberg Law Group, PLLC, to represent you in a complex regulatory environment.


Rogue of the week 10.30.14


It Is Time To Reform How Administrative Hearings Are Conducted!