I believe that Comcast has a monopoly as an internet provider for my business.  As such, they should have  a particular responsibility to provide excellent customer service.  The reverse is true.  The other day my internet stopped working.  They said it was the router and it would take 3 to 5 days to send me a new one.  I asked to speak to a supervisor, and after a half hour wait I was cut off. I called back. The technician wanted to trouble shoot all the problems all over again and was angry that I wouldn’t play along – all I wanted was to speak to a supervisor and see if I could have my problem fixed sooner. He put me on hold for his supervisor, and a half hour later I was cut off.  This happened three more times.  Finally, I managed to get an appointment for a technician to come out to replace the router, but my business would only be down for two days! When the technician came out, it was not the router at all.  Comcast had installed some equipment that was killing the signal to my office.  Of course they aren’t compensating me for the down time. Way to go Comcast.


Rogue of the week 8.20.14


What is a preference payment in bankruptcy?