DOH good cause extension

DOH good cause extension

The Department of Health, following the Uniform Disciplinary Act under Chapter 18.130 RCW, requires a licensee to produce documents or other records in their possession, besides any response, to be produced within twenty-one (21) days unless there is a “hardship upon the licensee” that constitutes “good cause.”  Sometimes the DOH deadlines communicated to licensees are identified as less than 21 days.  Also, the UDA does not specifically define “good cause.”

More recently, DOH investigators have indicated that DOH will not consider the licensee’s need to retain counsel as “good cause” sufficient to grant an extension.  Retaining counsel on a very short notice is challenging under the best of circumstances.  The lesson is do not wait until DOH provides a deadline to retain counsel but do so as soon as you have notice that an investigation is proceeding pursuant to the initial notice.  

RCW 18.130.230

RCW 18.130.020

RCW 18.130.095


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