Caution: The Investigator Is Not Your Friend

The administrative complaint process starts with the filing of a complaint by a former patient, colleague, employer or other interested person with the state licensing agency. An investigator is usually assigned, and has nothing more than the complaint to go on. It is then up to the investigator to look into the holes of the case in front of them. The investigators purpose is to gather information to file a formal complaint, not to get to the truth.Many health professionals attempt to resolve investigations, disciplinary and licensing issues on their own. Often their attempts to resolve matters with the investigators are unsuccessful. Sometimes, health professionals make the matter worse by divulging information to the investigator that is later used against them in a formal administrative complaint. Health professionals often mistake the investigator’s friendliness as an opportunity to cooperate to remove suspicion of their wrongdoing.While there may be no validity to the complaint, the risk of potential sanctions far outweighs the cost of hiring an attorney. Often an experienced attorney can help achieve a dismissal or greatly reduce sanctions. If you are facing an investigation from the Department of Health, please contact use for a free legal consultation.


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